Ordinary Citizen Should Not Be Allow to Carry Gun

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ISAH TIJJANI A00014193 Ordinary citizen should not be allowed to carry gun openly in public. When citizens are allowed to carry guns openly on the street and in places like shopping malls and parks intimidates the public, there will not be law and order and increases the risk that some people will be injured or killed from the unintentional or intentional use of guns. In Nigeria under no circumstances is an ordinary individual or citizens is allowed to carry guns. Also when individuals openly carry guns in public, other citizens may become worried about awaiting crime. Nowadays people are influenced by many things in our modern day, such as in movies, fighting and war games, which corrupt the mind of mostly the youths. There is boy that shoots his little brother after watching the film ‘007’, with his father’s gun. This shows you that something you take to be nothing might be dangerous one day. Nowadays the games and movies are released almost every year and what most people don’t know in recent days is that war games and movies can influence or corrupt people mind to become mental and crazy mostly the youths. That is why parents have a huge impact on the development of their child; parent should be able to tell their children guns are dangerous. Secondly, in places were citizens carry guns publicly, it is very hard to maintain law and order, and some people to live there. For example, Niger delta, the militant in Niger delta are the once in control of the state, going around the street with guns, threating both the government and the masses with their ammunitions, that lead the government to do dialoged with them which is not suppose. There is a law that state that government should not do dialoged with criminals. With the current situation in Niger delta it is very hard for ordinary citizen to live there. In America, the most highly secured state on earth

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