Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People

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Unit CYP36 – Working together for the benefit of children and young people 1.1 Explain the importance of multi agency working and integrated working. When children are growing up they may require the use of a range of services, depending on their needs and support requirements. It is important for the services involved in each individual young person to work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people. This is multi agency working and it is an effective way of supporting not only young people but also their families. The bringing together of practitioners and professional from different areas provides an integrated way of working and aims to provide support to children and young people earlier to ensure they meet the Every Child Matters outcomes. It is important for all these sectors to work together as this promotes the young person’s welfare, safety and overall development. 1.2 Analyse how integrated working practices and multi agency working in partnership delivers better outcomes for children and young people. Positive outcomes for children and young people are possible if the professionals working with the young person and their families can share and agree on the way the young person concerned might be assessed, planned for and how those plans are to be implemented. Both the young person’s family and most importantly the young person themselves can be involved in any plans to ensure that the young person can achieve their full potential, this also helps to make sure the young person feels valued. Professionals understanding the importance on which information can be shared and the importance of confidentiality in line with the Data Protection Act ensures that the young person is, and feels, protected and safe. Integrated working practices also leads to ensuring consistency for the young

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