You also need to make sure you have good relationships with other staff members so that it can be a friendly place for the children to be around. It is important to have positive relationships with all the people that are involved in the care of all children and young people in my setting . These people could be staff, Managers and supervisors, carers/parents, OFSTED, Early years, or external partners. All positive relationships with these people will benefit the child as we could share the information quickly and accurately give constant care and always identify their needs and there interests. We could make more effective plans for their care and education whilst monitoring there welfare to show their skills and ideas.
Building trust with parents or carers will result in them knowing that the nursery is a very good place for their child as it offers a great amount of help and support, which is especially important for new parents or carers. Other professionals It is also important to partner with other professionals as they will offer the support and services, where needed, to improve the overall development of the child. For example, a speech and language therapist may assist a child with communication difficulties. Another example would be a play therapist to diagnose, prevent or resolve a child with psychosocial challenges. Multi-disciplinary teams It is very important that everyone in a multi disciplinary team work in partnership.
Practitioners need to praise children and encourage them to succeed in their learning and give them the support they need. Practitioners need to build positive relationship with not only their key children and other children in their setting but also with the children’s parents this gives them a better chance of giving children more support at home. See appendix 1. At the setting parents can get involved and this will benefit planning for the child as parents know their children better than anyone and they will know their likes and dislikes and will be able to help them with their development. See appendix 2 .
Effective communication is also important so that information given is clear, concise, accurate, and informative. This decreases the possibility of errors being made. It is important to work as a team with other members of the setting, so that the child is getting the support the need and so that ever one is working to achieve the same results and goals. Within my own we use a range of methods to communicate with parents such as, monthly newsletters, class teachers hand-outs/diary informing parents what their child is doing each term, letters and posters. Having effective communication with the parents is important so that they know how their child is doing and what is happening at the nursery.
Also teachers need to make sure all the equipment the learners will be using during the course is safe for them to use. Ground Rules. When starting the course, a teacher should make sure they create a safe environment in the classroom: this means making sure everybody is comfortable with everybody else and nobody is trying to bully anyone. When working with adult learners it could be better to have ‘commonly agreed ground rules’ so they can agree with each point and find elements to discuss. This is good because when they get to decide the ground rules it’s more unlikely that they are going to break them.
TDA 2.9 1.1 1.2 1.1) Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people's positive behavior. In every setting the must have a behaviour pocily as it is a legal requirement.This will tell what the staff will do if any situation occurs within the setting. These guidelines are in place for the staff and parents to understand all the codes of condust that are in place.The behaviour pocily needs to be read and understood by staff to be consistent with all techniques to encourage positive behaviour and be consistent in the use of intervention techniques and set a good example to the children and be good role models.In my setting they have many different guidelines e.g Safeguarding children (
Positive relationships enable information to be communicated far more effectively. Working in a school this will benefit pupils when you are dealing with parents or carers as they will be more willing to get involved in the child or young person’s education and care. Building and maintaining positive relationships and effective communication with pupils will help them know and understand what is expected of them and acceptable boundaries. In order to develop positive relationships with children, young people and adults effective communication is vital. To effectively communicate we must: • think consciously (everyone is an individual) • explain (be clear, use appropriate language) • listen actively ( occasional nods and eye contact) • be true to our word (say what you mean, mean what you say) • recall (repeat snippets of what has been said to you) • have empathy (non-bias understanding of others situations) • clarify and question (ask the other party if they understand what you have said ) • body language (your own and reading the other persons) Not putting the above skills into practice will create barriers to effective communication and positive
Assignment 013 Task A DORIANA DEMIRI 1. Working in partnership is really important for the child development.Is going to help him in learning,health and communication.Working together is more effective.Sharing and respect each other knowledge is giving to the child the best positive way to start.The communication it has to be clear because like this you can understand better the child needs.Building a good relationship with the parents of the child is important because the parents are they that know better their child so you can give support to the family.Working together as a group is going to help to understand if the child needs the help of more that one specialist. 2. Social worker Nurse Head Teacher Parents/Carers
TDA31 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults | | TDA31-1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. | | To have a positive relationship with children, young people and adults you will need to show them effective communication skills with you and other peers. How you approach people and how you respond to them should all come into account. You should always try to make children feel comfortable in your presence and try to put them at ease. To develop a positive relationship with a child can often take some time.
By basing knowledge on how children develop and learn, it can help make more developmentally appropriate activities. The children would learn more, and you would be more successful as a teacher. *Appreciate and support the bond between the child and family. If you appreciate the bond between the child and family, teaching in the classroom