Multi-disciplinary teams It is very important that everyone in a multi disciplinary team work in partnership. For the best results, all information must be available. This enables different disciplines to share their skills resulting in more effective support and outcomes for the child. Colleagues Working closely with colleagues and sharing information, such as observations, can add to a greater understanding of the child and their development. Working as a partnership helps to provide a good level
• Foster carers support parents and families who are partners in the care, learning, development and safeguarding of their children, recognising they are the child or young person’s first, and in most situations, their most enduring carers and educators. • Foster carers are integral to the professional team supporting children and young people in public care. Values • The needs, rights and views of the child or young person are at the centre of all practice and provision. • Individuality, difference and diversity are valued and celebrated. • Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice are actively promoted.
Practitioners need to praise children and encourage them to succeed in their learning and give them the support they need. Practitioners need to build positive relationship with not only their key children and other children in their setting but also with the children’s parents this gives them a better chance of giving children more support at home. See appendix 1. At the setting parents can get involved and this will benefit planning for the child as parents know their children better than anyone and they will know their likes and dislikes and will be able to help them with their development. See appendix 2 .
Unit 7 Assignment Work in partnership in Health and Social Care of Children and Young People’s settings. Question 1 1.1 The features of effective partnership working begin with the knowing that it is everyone’s responsibility for partnership working in order for it to be successful. The benefits of working in partnership are enormous allowing families to share information about their children’s development or learning and supporting those children with particular needs to receive support. Colleagues, professionals and others must be active in working alongside, sharing expertise, knowledge and a common purpose to improve the lives of individuals in their care. Respecting each other’s skills and contributions enables everyone working together share their expertise, recognise and utilise the strengths of all involved.
Assignment 013 Task A DORIANA DEMIRI 1. Working in partnership is really important for the child development.Is going to help him in learning,health and communication.Working together is more effective.Sharing and respect each other knowledge is giving to the child the best positive way to start.The communication it has to be clear because like this you can understand better the child needs.Building a good relationship with the parents of the child is important because the parents are they that know better their child so you can give support to the family.Working together as a group is going to help to understand if the child needs the help of more that one specialist. 2. Social worker Nurse Head Teacher Parents/Carers
Above, I stated why the topics should be addressed and how important it is for children to have organizations to help better themselves, by being healthy, social, a developing the skills that they should by having open play and encounter with parents, friends, teachers and families. Next, information was given on how important nurture can be for children. Children receive nurturing through social-emotional development and cognitive growth development. Then we went on to discuss the long-term goals, which I believe that they will excel to the highest extreme. Last, we discussed the effectiveness and showed evidence of how it will be effective.
052: 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of your service Reflective practice is important because it ensures that continuous high standards are being kept as circumstances change. To continually adapt and improve, approaches can benefit the children within our care. It can help to develop and grow skills which will enable the highest standard of care. Looking after children is an ever changing role and needs constantly updating to match the child's needs. We can better meet a child's needs by constantly reflecting and improving the service we provide.
Positive relationships enable information to be communicated far more effectively. Working in a school this will benefit pupils when you are dealing with parents or carers as they will be more willing to get involved in the child or young person’s education and care. Building and maintaining positive relationships and effective communication with pupils will help them know and understand what is expected of them and acceptable boundaries. In order to develop positive relationships with children, young people and adults effective communication is vital. To effectively communicate we must: • think consciously (everyone is an individual) • explain (be clear, use appropriate language) • listen actively ( occasional nods and eye contact) • be true to our word (say what you mean, mean what you say) • recall (repeat snippets of what has been said to you) • have empathy (non-bias understanding of others situations) • clarify and question (ask the other party if they understand what you have said ) • body language (your own and reading the other persons) Not putting the above skills into practice will create barriers to effective communication and positive
2.3 Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice. Theories of development and frameworks to support development are incredibly important to us when working with children. They help us to understand children, how they react to things, situations, their behaviour and the way they learn. Different theories and ways of working with children have come together to provide frameworks for children’s care, such as Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is used within all child care settings. This encourages us to work together, help and check the development of babies, children and young people, to keep them healthy and safe.
Children depend on adults (who also are as healthy as possible) to make healthy choices for them and to teach them to make healthy choices for themselves. Teaching: Children benefit most when their teachers have high levels of formal education and specialized early childhood professional preparation. Families: Young children’s learning and development are integrally connected to their families. Consequently, to support and promote children’s optimal learning and development, programs need to recognize the primacy of children’s families, establish relationships with families based on mutual trust and respect, support and involve families in their children’s educational growth, and invite families to fully participate in the program. Community: As part of the fabric of children’s communities, an effective program establishes and maintains reciprocal relationships with agencies and institutions that can support it in achieving its goals for the curriculum, health promotion, children’s transitions, inclusion, and diversity.