Mu 2.8 Support Positive Environment

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PRESENTED BY MONICA BELALCAZAR CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUPPORT OF POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE MU 2.8 1.1WHAT IS A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT ? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) states: ‘ A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right, and provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.’ It is important for a child care practitioner to understand how every aspect of a child or young person’s environment can have an impact on their lives. A positive environment helps children and young people to become independent, and to have the confidence to learn new skills and gain a sense of belonging. Whatever age group or setting a childcare practitioner must plan an environment that encourages the development of the whole child. These settings must have indoor and outdoor physical spaces that need to be considered according to the child’s age. The layout of the physical environment is responsibility of the team and contributes to giving each child positive outcomes in their learning and development. The available space will influence the way the furniture and equipment is set out. While it is important to create an attractive environment, everything should be safe, secure and have a purpose that supports each area of the children’s development. By providing the right environment you will be able to promote the children’s physical, intellectual, emotional, social and linguistic development. We can also contribute to a positive environment by displaying children’s work on wallboards, pictures of them working. We can put their photo with their names under it, so that they can learn how are their name written and encourage them to do it themselves. On the outdoor they
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