To Start Up Your Own Business with a Restaurant or a Coffee. Make Comparisons Between Two Projects

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It is better to own your business than to be an employee of a company. My intention to establish a type of business urges me to consider relating facets. In fact, I can imagine myself as an owner of a restaurant or a book coffee shop. Before the idea becomes real, careful considerations should be taken to answer which is more practical, a restaurant or a book coffee shop. Each of two options have strong and weak points in terms of investments, the issues of professional personnel employment, and the balance between costs and received interests from business. Firstly, investment is the primary factor . A restaurant seems to draw much more money than the book coffee shop. In details, it needs a spacious location to build up with more magnificent view as better. Some customers would like to have dinners on tables with riverside view and an ecological scene. This can be suitable for families to go picnicking at weekends or colleagues to unify in company events at weekends. The more beautiful the venue is, the more expensively it is rented. On the contrary, it is cheaper to find a place for book coffee shop than restaurant if the place is easy to be caught a sight by crowded passers-by. The standard to figure out the proper location of a coffee shop is merely a normal downtown corner for hasty customers to rest shortly in their route. The currently social trend in the bustle rhyme of modern life is that people tend to be tranquilized with a book and a hot vapor cup of coffee. These places are often rented with low cost. Aside from finding proper places, the cost of setting up the business’s facility is a substantial to deal with. The great building and restoration from available rented place costs enormously a sum of money in the investment plan. Accordingly, a restaurant needs a large-scale construction and decoration to attract more guests; meanwhile, the coffee

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