Stan Fuller Case

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3.0 Research 3.1 P.E.S.T.E.L Analysis Environmental analyses will, “…identify the trends that are most likely to directly affect your association and its members” (Dalton). A PESTEL analysis (short for Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, technological, Environmental, and Legal) will be the largest portion of the report, as it encompasses most external forces that influence falling sales. 3.1.1 Political The main political factors are the liquor laws in British Columbia. With the rise of small organization such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), new liquor laws have been recently implemented. In 1969, the government introduced the .05 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Law, which may affect Richmond as more people drive because of…show more content…
The other points are as important but more information needs to be gathered to properly identify and explain each point. Each “ * ” will be explained in the sub-headings below. 3.3.1 Strengths With successful brands such as Earls, Cactus Club, Joeys, and Saltlik, Stan Fuller has created a restaurant empire with a focus a “premium casual” dining. With such strong brand presence, Earls was able to expand into the United States. The first location in Miami preformed above recent expectations even in a market where the average consumer is more price conscious (Sutherland). This expansion and success in America can help Earls Richmond by giving the foreign consumer a brand they can identify and trust. Being located inside the Lansdowne mall can be a blessing for Earls. Lansdowne sky train station is located around 600 meters away from Earls Richmond and provides one of the main staples of public transportation for Richmond. Being so close to the skytrain station allows Earls to have a competitive advantage over some of the other restaurants in the area. The convenience has helped Earls’ food sales and will hopefully help their liquor sales once the recommendations mentioned later are applied. According to a study by the American Public Transportation Association or APTA, if a business were to invest money into the local public transportation system, they would be able to triple their investment through the…show more content…
In September 2014 B.C.’s tough anti-drunk-driving law passes constitutional in the provincial Supreme Court. The tough drinking and driving laws that were discussed in the P.E.S.T.E.L. above have been taken to the court to object these laws as being to harsh on the residents of B.C. They chose to keep the tough laws in place because it did not contravene chapter 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They also mentioned that the laws have caused, “90 lives saved and a 52% reduction in alcohol-related motor vehicle fatalities.” An appeal will be placed again but as of now the harsh drinking and driving laws are here to

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