Leadership Essay Two: Why is a Philosophy of Leadership Important? LDSP 3000 Leadership Development Abstract Your personal leadership philosophy will define what you expect, what you value, and how you act. According to Colonel Maureen K. Leboeuf there are 7 elements to consider in developing a philosophy of leadership. Formally articulating your leadership philosophy will let others know what to expect from you as their leader. Vision, values, care of soldiers and families, leader development, change, diversity and humor are imperative to developing a credible leadership philosophy.
Personal Reflection Assessment Managing my work priorities and professional development requires me to act as a good role model who has the traits of an effective leader; ensure that my work goals and plans reflect the organization’s goals and plans; meet my job responsibilities; measure and maintain my personal performance; priorities work; use technology to organize and manage my work; maintain a work/life balance; meet required competency standards; determine my developmental needs; take advantage of learning opportunities; gather feedback from others about my personal performance and use it to improve my competence; use networks to increase my knowledge, gain new skills and develop relationships, and to ensure that I acquired new skills to maintain my competitive edge. What makes a good role model and how would I ensure that I acted as a role model for employees I supervise? Effective role models possess desirable characteristics that make them easy to look up to. They inspire others to make changes and strive toward new goals. Characteristics that a role model possesses includes high moral values, confidence, who is hardworking, respectful, has an optimistic outlook on life and can find creative solutions to their problems in the workplace.
Finally, I will conclude with a reflective analysis and reveal what I have learned from my research about leadership and the application of the three leadership theories. Three Theories/Models Fiedler’s Contingency Model Fiedler’s contingency model emphasizes the importance of both the leader's personal ability and the situation in which the leader must operate in. The model predicts that the effectiveness of the leader will depend on both the leadership style and how favorable is the situation (Northouse, 2010). Leadership style is measured by what Fiedler calls the least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale. Using a series of scales, the leader is asked to think of all
The role of the team leader is to motivate people to effective and hard work to the highest standards by promoting positive teamwork and by acknowledging their efforts. A Team leader should be able to recognise and understand that the team is build by people of different values and personalities; help people achieve work related and personal goals and bring out what's the best in them. Very often A team leader acts as a link between line staff and senior management of the organisation. In my workplace both team leaders are the link between the team and senior administration manager and director manager of Women’s' Services. We are informed about all changes that affects our directorate on a timely manner, we are up to date with any innovation and changes brought to the Trust.
I chose this course to develop my awareness of counselling and the techniques that are required. I wanted to see if I had the correct skills and knowledge, to offer a variety of counselling skills to my work colleagues or the students that I work with. Before the course I would have said that I had a lot of good qualities that are essential in counselling. Some of my strengths are that I am not judgemental, I can support unconditionally, I am a good listener and I am very attentive. Reflecting over the past weeks and assessing the impact of this course, I am now more aware that Counselling can help in a number of different ways.
A good leader should lead by asking questions, listening, and facilitating constructive communication to build trust and respect. Team Building & Motivation - Train, Coach and provide effective feedback. Inspire others by example and guidance. A leader should encourage team work and cultivate a good work culture within the team, thereby creating the right working
It was through these classes and conferences that I got to meet with leaders and focus on outcomes, and initiatives such as retention. The passion and expertise of these leaders as well the conversations I had with them not only, I believe, made me a better leader in practice but they serve as motivation for what I can achieve. 3. Lessons learned that have helped you grow as a leader. I’ve learned to listen attentively to what someone else is saying.
I was also identified as cooperating, I love working in an environment where I can work and collaborate with others. Another one of my competencies was leading, I like effective leading a team to greatness. In my current role I am a manager which leads into my next competencies; coping with pressure, and adapting to change. In order to lead, strategize, and cooperate with others I have to be able to cope with pressure and adapt to change. After completing the Work
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides an analysis of the effects of staff welfare on organisational objectives. The importance of continual self-development for employees and managers and what the benefits are for organisations. The report shows how you identify development needs and plan resources to help implement personal development plans. My findings were that my organisation has lots of policies in place to ensure staff welfare remains a high priority for all Managers. That staff feel more valued when their welfare is taken into account and therefore their performance increases.
Understand you all work hard and provide a good service. Know that your hard work and dedication is meeting people’s expectation following organisation’s policies and procedures? By obtaining feedback from others. List of the importance of obtaining feedback are: •People want their work to be appreciated •People need encouragement and want to be praised for the good job what they have done. •Feedback helps to identify learning and development needs.