Personal Development as a Manager and Leader

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides an analysis of the effects of staff welfare on organisational objectives. The importance of continual self-development for employees and managers and what the benefits are for organisations. The report shows how you identify development needs and plan resources to help implement personal development plans. My findings were that my organisation has lots of policies in place to ensure staff welfare remains a high priority for all Managers. That staff feel more valued when their welfare is taken into account and therefore their performance increases. However sometimes operational requirements sometimes means staff welfare cannot be the main focus. My Findings also show how personal development can have a positive impact on meeting organisational objectives. Certain people have different learning styles and learning should be tailored to suit the individual. Using personal development plans and regular meetings to monitor how the development is progressing making sure mile stones are met. My report finds that although personal development plans work better when they are tailored to an individual that my orgainsation set standard development plans never reviewing their progress which is in effect making them worthless. My recommendations would be that all managers gain a clear understanding of the organisations objectives and where there’s and there teams roles fit in this process. While staff welfare is important managers need to keep in mind the operational requirements. I also recommend that managers tailor personal development plans to individual employees taking into account their job roles, staffs expectations and learning styles and what training would be most suitable reviewing staff’s progress regularly. INTRODUCTION This assignment report is submitted as part of the Chartered Management Institute Level 5 Diploma

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