Why Is a Philosophy of Leadership Important?

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Leadership Essay Two: Why is a Philosophy of Leadership Important? LDSP 3000 Leadership Development Abstract Your personal leadership philosophy will define what you expect, what you value, and how you act. According to Colonel Maureen K. Leboeuf there are 7 elements to consider in developing a philosophy of leadership. Formally articulating your leadership philosophy will let others know what to expect from you as their leader. Vision, values, care of soldiers and families, leader development, change, diversity and humor are imperative to developing a credible leadership philosophy. Leadership Essay Two Philosophy is the attainment of an integrated, comprehensive view of life, of vital importance. Some parts of a leadership philosophy are intuitive to who we are. Thinking through what type of leader we want to be and how we want to lead will make us a better leader. More importantly, in those difficult times, having a leadership philosophy will keep us centered in moving forward as well as within the right boundaries when temptations arise. Finding your "why" before communicating your "what" or your "how" to the world is critical to both business success and your personal growth. If you don't know your purpose, you cannot clearly communicate, as well as effectively execute, your mission. Your personal leadership philosophy will define what you expect, what you value, and how you act. According to Colonel Maureen K. Leboeuf there are 7 elements to consider in developing a philosophy of leadership. Formally articulating your leadership philosophy will let others know what to expect from you as their leader. Vision, values, care of soldiers and families, leader development, change, diversity and humor are imperative to developing a credible leadership philosophy. Vision and Values are the first two elements to consider in developing a philosophy of

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