Career Profile Essay

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Career Profiler According to the Career Interest Profiler my career plan indicates that I would thrive working in the following work environments or role. I was identified first as being conventional. Someone that possesses this characteristic looks for occupations that involves following set procedures and routines. These may include working with data and details more than ideas. Normally there is a clear chain of command. I am conventional, and work well when there are set procedures in place. I crave structure, due dates, and a clear idea as to what is expected of me. I was also identified as Investigative. Investigative occupations often times involve working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking. These occupations can involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally. I enjoy researching difficult problems, and explaining the solution. Lastly, the career plan indicates that I am social. A social occupation is one in which involves interacting with others, communicating with, and teaching others. An occupation that includes helping and providing services to others. My Career Competencies lists my strengths as adhering to values, it is very important that I my vision and values align with the vision and values of the company that I work for. I am also strategizing, I like to look at problems or areas of opportunities and figure out ways to fix or improve the process. I was also identified as cooperating, I love working in an environment where I can work and collaborate with others. Another one of my competencies was leading, I like effective leading a team to greatness. In my current role I am a manager which leads into my next competencies; coping with pressure, and adapting to change. In order to lead, strategize, and cooperate with others I have to be able to cope with pressure and adapt to change. After completing the Work
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