Diploma of Business Stage 1 Assessment

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Personal Reflection Assessment Managing my work priorities and professional development requires me to act as a good role model who has the traits of an effective leader; ensure that my work goals and plans reflect the organization’s goals and plans; meet my job responsibilities; measure and maintain my personal performance; priorities work; use technology to organize and manage my work; maintain a work/life balance; meet required competency standards; determine my developmental needs; take advantage of learning opportunities; gather feedback from others about my personal performance and use it to improve my competence; use networks to increase my knowledge, gain new skills and develop relationships, and to ensure that I acquired new skills to maintain my competitive edge. What makes a good role model and how would I ensure that I acted as a role model for employees I supervise? Effective role models possess desirable characteristics that make them easy to look up to. They inspire others to make changes and strive toward new goals. Characteristics that a role model possesses includes high moral values, confidence, who is hardworking, respectful, has an optimistic outlook on life and can find creative solutions to their problems in the workplace. To ensure that I acted as a role model for the employees I would supervise, I would make sure that I possess all the previously said qualities and use them to my advantage. I would always show a positive attitude, be enthusiastic and involved within the workplace, and always accept responsibility of my actions if any mistakes happen on my behalf. I would also understand myself; referring to my learning style, characteristics, behaviours, and learning preferences. I would also learn to understand others and to value diversity in the workplace. I would develop my own skills, knowledge and competencies relating to
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