1. Understand principles of professional development 1.1 It is important to continue to learn new skills and improve knowledge so that I can get job satisfaction and improve the way I work as individuals and as a team. It is important to learn from mistakes we make and improve on the outcomes and experiences with whom we work. I ensure that I am aware of, and follow, the current health & social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice. Learning new skills and refreshing training enables me to progress, and achieve within my career and working practices.
It provides opportunities to learn from your experience and develop your working practice. It is both a tool to help you analyse specific interactions or incidents that have occurred at work, as well as a method of working in the moment that is mindful and self-aware. 1.2. Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided? Reflecting on your practise is important as it can help you to focus on what you have done well and identify areas you may need to improve I.e.
Also having a clear understanding of customer expectations and values is essential, as they are important to meet the demands and thus assists the organisation in achieving their personal goals. As well as customer demands and product development, observing and learning within the industry assists in determining direction and avoiding any mistakes. Simple standards that would be expected by me on the ways in which I organise my time and management of all tasks would be my position as to who I report to, what my daily today tasks are and what it reports are expected from me throughout the day. Knowledge would be an impact on me when it comes to managing time. This is because it prioritises me to set my tasks from important to less important.
Important of Reflections Reflecting on my own practice is important because it allows me to assess what i am doing well, identify areas where you might like or may need more training or guidance in to ensure am performing to the best and meeting all standards and expectations within the care setting. It also helps me to think about what I am doing in the setting and always be aware of how I am working with others. Reflecting on my work practice can enhance and improve my confidence and self-esteem because I can look at what I am doing well, the things I have learnt and achieved and feel good about myself especially if I have been able to do something with ease which I use to find it difficult to do in the past, if I have been able to do something that I have never tried it before. This then gives me confidence to continue to work well and aim to try new things or use what new skills or knowledge I have gained in my care practices. Reflecting on my activities can help me learn from other people’s strategies.
1.1 Evaluate the extent to which the outcomes for a range of individuals conform to contemporary person-centred values and aims using the principles of the active support model. Using the active support model as an approach to supporting means people will be supported in a person centred way through inclusion in everyday activity and by allowing choice and control which conforms to the contemporary person centred values as it allows people to demonstrate their competence or their autonomy in activity through participation on their own terms. By trying activities a person will develop and learn new skills in physical, mental and social contexts. They will be in control of the activities as the person supporting them will be aware of their communications and respect their choices. As people learn they will gain knowledge and experience and with this a person develops confidence in their own abilities and will develop a sense of self worth and wellbeing.
For employers, selecting the right candidates means identifying people with the right skills and quality that can help in the organisations success. Examples of employability skills; | Personal skills are the transferable skills that an individual posses that makes them attractive to new employers. Good personal skills are important when applying for job roles in Tesco. Good personal skills enables candidates to work well in a team, satisfy customers and also negotiate well with them, and also work effectively with other employers. This leads to a better working environment.
Expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards(Code of Practice, Regulations, Essential standards, National Occupational Standards): to examine why and how I practice, to identify areas for improvement, to develop different ways of working, to develop new areas of learning. 2. Be able to reflect on practice Importance of reflective practice: reflecting on situation can improve own knowledge, skills and understanding and may include: giving me grater insight, examining how effective my practice is, thinking through different approaches. Own values, belief system and experiences may affect working experiences by: understanding and being open to others` attitudes and beliefs, respecting differences between own and others personal attitudes, being aware of own personal attitudes and beliefs. 3.
SHC 32: Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings 2.1 Reflective practice is extremely important as it lets me reflect on my actions and experiences in my workplace and where I can improve my quality of service. It is important to observe the children at all times but personally I find it really useful to reflect on practice during role play especially when new role play equipment is being used, this lets me see how they react and I can make changes and improve where necessary. On the other hand this gives me the opportunity to look at my own learning needs and gives me a greater understanding of how things can be made better and therefore be able to help others in an appropriate way. This
Education, training, and incentives provide a basis for developing an environment to promote teams and teamwork (Taplin, Foster, & Shortell 2013). Education and training programs that emphasize collaborative care and team building are essential. Also, organizational leaders need to highly value this training and the concept of interprofessional collaborations. This can partly be accomplished during the hiring process by stressing team and teamwork values to prospective hires (Taplin, Foster, & Shortell 2013). Continuing training and coaching as collaborations work can provide encouragement during the process.
It firstly identifies the skills matrices for the organisation and then delves into what the current competencies are of each individual against this predefined set of skills required to fulfill a specific role. The outcome of the skills audit process is a skills gap analysis. This information will enable the organisation to improve by providing the appropriate training and development to individuals to cater for the identified skill gaps. The skills audit process will also provide information which can be used for purposes such as internal employee selection and to ensure that the correct person is deployed in each position. 2.