Is Creating a Safer Vechile More Important Than Reducing Driver Distractions?

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I think that designing safe cars is more important than reducing driver distractions because first it always depends on the driver’s attention span, second you can never reduce any distractions and second the safer the car is the safer the accident is. I think that designing a safe car is more important than reducing driver distractions because it all depends on the driver’s attention span. If the driver can get easily distracted than there will be always a ninety percent chance that he/ she will get in to a fatal or non- fatal car accident. For example if the driver is distracted by something that has occurred outside the vehicle than the driver is more prone to getting in an accident because there weren’t as much safety features in the vehicle you may ask why weren’t there any safety features? Well because designers of the cars believed that if there were less driver distractions than they can include less safety features. Designing a safer car is more important than reducing driver distractions because there will always a driver distracted whether the car is safer or not. I think that it’s more realistic and smarter designing a safer car because you don’t know what or who can distract the passenger it could even be in the car that’s distracting them so if by making it safer inside and out the more likely it’s going to protect the passenger and the occupants inside the vehicle. In conclusion I believe that creating a safer car is more important than reducing driver distraction because it always depends on the drivers attention span, second you will always have distractions on the road, and third of all the safer the car the safer the accident

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