Banning the use of cell phones

557 Words3 Pages
Banning the Use of Cell Phones Today cell phones play an indispensable role in our society today. However, the convenience cell phones offer must be judged against the hazards they pose. Accidental deaths in the United States are the number one cause by cell phone use. Since driver inattention is a major leading factor of traffic accidents, our driving habits and those of others should be paid close attention to. Therefore, many countries today have prohibited certain use of hand-held devices while driving because of the personal safety and the safety of others, dangers associated, and causes distractions which could lead to death. Just like you put yourself and the safety of others while driving drunk, the impairment is very similar to when using a cell phone when driving. This does not mean people should start drunk driving but indeed means that driving while using the cell phone is just as bad or even worse than drunk driving which is unacceptable. Both hand-held and hands-free cell phones impair driving, with no significant difference in the degree of impairment. Banning hand-held devices will not necessarily improve our safety and of others if drivers simply switch to hands free phones. There are two ways that using a cell phone can contribute to the dangers while driving. In order to dial on a cell phone, you must take your eyes off of the road, and after you dial, you can become so engrossed in your conversation that your focus can shift and is no longer on driving or the safety of everyone in the car and on the road which puts you and others at risk. If you use a cell phone while driving, you are more likely prone to being involved in a serious accident which could lead to a horrible accident or even death! One of the most common distractions facing drivers is the use of a cell phone. Using hand-held phones while driving can constitute a hazardous
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