High School Dropout

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Joel Path High School Dropout Throughout the 365 days in a year, about 3,030,000 students in High School dropout. Amongst these 3 million students, there are various reasons on why High Schools dropout. The three top reasons why High School students drop out are because they prefer to work, Failing of the course, and they simply just, don’t care. But little do the students know that the actions they, themselves take result in effects which can not only hinder their very own lives and but also the lives of our future generation. Each student to dropout has a certain reason or purpose. Based on beliefs, the top three reasons why students drop out is because they prefer to work, failing of the course, and that they don’t care. To begin with, some students just simply prefer working directly rather than getting an education and in a certain sense " following rules". The fact that students are receiving money for their work, rather than simply a letter grade, intrigues the student worker. In some cases, students need money to help support their family and as a result can falsely give the impression that students have a better future by working, rather than studying. Next is the simple idea that the student is failing the courses. Many students don’t excel at certain subjects, such as Mathematics and English. Once these classes are failed, the motivation to take them over and attempt to again is lost, especially if they believe the subject they failed in was their " worst subject". As a result, students end up dropping out, to end up finding easier jobs, which does not require as much thinking as needed. The last main reason why students drop out is because they just don’t care. The idea that " I have better things to do" becomes a huge motto throughout a students years in High School. Rather than learning, many students get caught up in vices of the teenage
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