Teens And Dropping Out

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Are you questioning yourself on if you really need school since you’re failing anyways? How much of a crisis is dropping out of school becoming? Most people are unaware of what is going on with teens at school including the stress, drama, relationships, friendships, and pressure. The prevention of dropping out should be taken under serious watch. The long-term and short-term effects are negatively consequential to a person’s future and decisions in life. President George Bush set six goals and announced them in his First State of the Union address. Congress has spent little or no time acting upon these goals (The Heritage Foundation). With this increased dropout rate, experts have studied on the gender and ethnicity gaps of dropout rates. The gender rates of student dropouts do not have a great deal of difference. Females have a percentage of about 9%, while males have a dropout rate of about 11½% (Infoplease). The ethnicity gaps are much greater. Caucasians are the least likely to drop out with a percentage of about 6½%, African Americans with a percentage of about 11¾%, and Hispanics with a rate of approximately 23¾% (Infoplease). Dropping out is a lot more common than people think it is. Five out of every one hundred students enrolled in high school of October 1999 had dropped out by October of 2000 (National Educational Association). Dropping out is a big dilemma all across the world. On the United States’ drop out problem, in Allen County, Indiana eight to ten percent of their students dropped out in the school year of 2004-2005. Then, in 2006, 23.5% of their students did not graduate (Success in Education). Dropping out is a big deal. Some teenagers act like it’s easy and there’s nothing to it and drop out very young. They probably are uninformed of the consequences to the rest of their life. The majority of students who drop out are between the grades ninth
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