Federal Student Loan Case Study

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Over a million community college students in 31 states, about 9 percent of total enrollment are denied to borrow for college because of schools opted out of the federal student loan program. Federal student loans are the best option for students who need to borrow to get to and through college. There are 3 notable changes in program participation at state and local level. In Chicago, 7 colleges take part in loan programs and 3 colleges in 2007-08 don’t offer loans. In North Carolina, state legislator requires all 58 community college to offer federal loans by 2011-12, they have the largest share of 57 percent of students without access to loans in the nation. In California now has the largest number of students without access to federal loans. In 2007-08, six state colleges withdrawn from the loan program and 2 have entered. Here you can find recommendations for both…show more content…
Most christian colleges and 7 other schools offer the option as a strategy boost enrollments in tough economic times. In last fall’s survey, 62 percent said the economy affected where they enrolled. Amherst and Pomona, and other wealthy colleges have eliminated loans from financial-aid packages. Private schools with a little endowment rarely have the option and would lose students to lower-priced public universities. President Peter Samuelson, of a 3 year-old company called LRAP Association uses pooled funds to repay loans for graduates who qualify and that no more than 20 percent of participating students will need the money or for more than a few years. In 2008, Tufts University in Medford, Mass., expands its law schools repayment plan universitywide. Vice President Matthew Osbourne of Michigan’s Spring Arbor University sees a longer-term payoff if recipients look kindly on their alma mater for doin so and that gratitude allows for a better

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