Should the Mandatory Age for Quitting School Be Raised or Lowered, or Is the Current Age of Sixteen Justified?

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The mandatory age to drop out of high school is 18. After conducting many researches I strongly believe that this should remain the same. Although many students believe that they are not achieving anything from school and may feel it is a waste of time. Still not an excuse to drop out all dropping out do is make your life harder. At age 16 my aunty dropped out of high school and her life has been a living hell ever since. The age requirement to drop out of high school should remain the same because at 16 the part of the brain, called the Frontal Lobe, which controls decision making, isn’t completely developed. “Students who receive poor grades, who repeat a grade, or who are over-age for their class are more than likely to drop out.” (Do Something) Students who receive poor grades are likely to not care, get upset, or do something about it. Getting bad grades really affects you when you put so much time in that subject. If you don’t do the work, how do you expect to get good grades? Study at least 30 minutes a day, and twice on the subject you’re having a hard time in. Repeating a grade is one of the most embarrassing things in high school. Taking the same class you took previously, but with younger students. Of course you’re going to get teased, picked on, and called stupid. Not saying it’s right, but you control your own destiny. Meaning you control the work you do because you do it and turn it in. Also being over age for their classes can result in dropping out. Studies show that students who are over-age for their class was held back a grade level. Not completing assignments, late work, or just missing class led up to being held back a grade. Over-age students seem to need more help in the classroom, than the regular students. Adolescents pick many excuses to drop out of school. Being bored and frustrated with class, many teens say school is irrelevant to

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