Factors That Affect Change

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There are several obstacles that may influence a change to an electronic medical record. One is if the workers do not want the change to happen (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). However, if there are key people seen as important that support the change the process will be easier. Other factors that affect change is the ability to change and a willingness to change (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). Management must give the employees the tools needed to overcome this obstacle. It is important to find the areas of disconnect and find ways to incentivize the change (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). With education and incentives to change there will be better cooperation and desire to change. Ineffective communication is also a factor that can influence the change process (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). The quality and frequency of verbal and written communication should be frequent and complete. Things that should be included are to explain what the change will look like, why the change is necessary, and what will happen if no change occurs. Also give a timeline for the change, explain the support available, and how the change fits into the mission and vision of the organization (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). Education or training is also identified as a factor that will hamper the change process. Included in the training needs should be role-based, focused education that prepares the employee to perform her jobs daily. A poor level of job satisfaction also can be a barrier to change. When staff is happy with what they, are doing or who, they are working with, there will be better acceptance to the change process. Level of trust is also a huge factor when looking at change (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). The staff needs to trust the organization, the trainers, and the concept that the change is for the better. Finally, timing of the change and patience also can be
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