Section Ii: Communication Plan

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Section II: Communication Plan Create a Communication Plan for the proposed change covered in the Change Management Plan. In the Communication Plan, complete the following: • Select the most appropriate channels to communicate the change to the employees, and explain why you selected these channels. • Identify the potential barriers to effective communication and strategies for overcoming the barriers. A communication plan will be put into motion in order to effectively communicate the new information regarding the proposed change for Riordan Manufacturing. The first step in this process is to set a communication goal for the employees to be able to understand the changes that will occur. The goal is to communicate to each employee the new customer management plan and ensure that they understand the changes; this will help the employees adjust to the new customer management plan without resistance. There are a few different types of communication channels that can be used to communicate these new changes. The different communication styles are verbal, non-verbal, and written communication, such as e-mails or memos. In this case, I believe that using verbal and written communication will be the most effective way to communicate new changes. A memo can serve as a written message to communicate to employees of upcoming changes. Next, management can coordinate a meeting with employees to discuss these changes and answer any questions employees may have. However, despite verbal or written communication there might be some barriers management will face when discussing new changes in a company. For example, language barriers can pose a problem if the message is not clear and concise for employees to
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