Unit 502 Qcf

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1.1- Continually improving knowledge and practice is imperative in order to ensure high standards are kept as circumstances, expectations and environments change. Continually improving and adapting practices benefits both residents and carers ensuring that each individuals needs are catered for. 1.2- The potential barriers to professional development are unwillingness to learn new skills for fear of failure or fear of technology. Loosely defined goals are also a potential barrier along with lack of resources. 1.3- Inductions provide you with the basic knowledge and skills you would need to start working in a new job role. Appraisals help you to keep your skills and knowledge up to date by highlighting areas that you need to develop and planning how to do this. 1.4- Priority should be given to essential skills and knowledge such as fire safety, manual handling and other skills that are mandatory and all employees should have. Then there are desirable skills that are not essential but you would like some of your staff to have such as resident centred exercise courses, I.T courses and team leader courses. 2.1- See S.W.O.T analysis. 2.2- See Personal Development Plan. 3.1- See Personal Development plan. 3.2- See Personal Development plan. 3.3- 4.1- Schon Reflection in action Works on getting to the bottom of what is happening in the experience process. Decision making at the time of event or interaction. Reflection on action Works on sifting over a previous event to take into account new information or theoretical perspectives available in conjunction with the experiencers processes,feelings and actions. In simple terms this means if when you are working you notice something wrong you change it straight away. You should then evaluate after the event and consider change next time. Gibbs Description-what happened? Feelings-what where you thinking and
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