Discuss How Reflection Can Develop Professional Practice Through Critically Analysing Two Different Models/Theories of Reflection in This Module.

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Discuss how reflection can develop professional practice through critically analysing two different models/theories of reflection in this module. The definition of reflection has been defined differently by various authors. Cottrell (2010) suggests that reflection is a type of thinking that is linked to gaining a better understanding of something and that it is also an important part of the learning experience and where we can make sense of the experience. This can be related to Boyd and Fales (1983) who suggest that reflection is a process which can be used to examine and explore an area of concern and which could potentially end in a changed perspective. These views can be compared to Boud et al. (1985), cited in Farrelly (2010: p.26) which states that reflection is; “A complex and deliberate process of thinking about and interpreting experience in order to learn from it.” These three definitions demonstrate that reflection is a process of evaluating an incident and changing things, in order to provide better understanding and practice. This is supported by Schön (1983) who described that reflection is the way in which the knowledge that underpins practice can be discovered and improved. Miller et al. (2008) suggest that in order for professionals to challenge their practice, they must reflect on their practice. Cottrell (2010) suggests that reflection is now the main element of many professions and the focus of many courses of study. Brownlee and Berthelsen (2006) cited in Paige-Smith and Craft (2008) believed that reflection was an important aspect of professional development. This is a view also supported by Osterman and Kottkamp (1993) suggests that reflective practice is a powerful way for professionals to develop their organizations by reflecting on their thinking and the ways in which they can improve their practices. Professionals who use

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