Cyp Core 3.1 Understand Child and Young Person Development

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CYP Core 3.1 Understand child and young person development 1. Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years. 1.1 Explain the sequence rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. Social , emotional, behaviour and moral development Birth to 3 years Early from birth a baby can respond to touch and sound, will recognise a parent or carers voice and will stare at bright shiny objects. Even from a few months old they will smile and engage with their carer and by four months can vocalise by ‘babbling’ and ‘cooing’. From six months old an infant will become more interested in social interaction, although that depends on the amount of time spent with other children and his/hers personality, they will also have a fear of strangers and distress at the separation of a parent or carer. By the time they are nine months old an infant can recognise familiar and unfamiliar faces. From one year ‘temper tantrums’ may have begun. They become more demanding and assertive and can express rage at being told ‘no’, they have no idea of sharing and a strong sense of ‘mine’. 3 – 7 years A child is learning to be separated from a parent or carer for short periods of time i.e.: nursery or playgroup which then gives them more social awareness. Some will play in groups of two or three and will be able to share ideas. Most children between this age group may have close friends and will still play with both genders. A child should have started school and will be able to enjoy their independence although still needing comfort and reassurance. By now a good sense of self-awareness (both positive and negative) will have been developed. Children around this age are able to form firm friendships which helps them to understand boundaries and why they are necessary. At school they may be responsible for being class helpers,
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