Explain the Sequence and Rate of Development from Birth to 19 Years

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From birth to 19 years, children grow continually. The sequence in which all children and young people follow will be similar as they will have to develop one skill to move onto the next, however the rate of development will vary. The development can be measured through social and emotional, physical, intellectual, and language milestones to ensure that each individual child is developing on target. Social and emotional development covers aspects of relationships to self-confidence. To ensure a child’s social development is on target, praise, guidance, support and encouragement are key when helping them interact with others around them. With emotional development, a child requires warmth, support, and affection. Between birth and 9 months, a child should be able to respond to the mothers face and enjoy the company of familiar people, enjoy games such as ‘peek-a-boo’, and will be very dependent on their care-givers for comfort. From 1 year and 2 years, the child will become independent and confident, and from this will enjoy performing in front of an audience, be more cooperative and enjoy playing alongside other children. Between 2 and 3 years, the confidence of the child will increase resulting in them playing happily alongside other children adults. However, they become more impulsive and demanding, prone to temper tantrums when demands aren’t met instantly. Between 3 and 4 years, their independence develops more and more and they are more comfortable in unfamiliar places and with unfamiliar people. They become more sociable, playing with others, sharing during games, and showing concern and comfort for those around them. Between 4 and 7 years, they are more interactive with other children but still struggle with rules in games and fairness. They enjoy responsibility and learning, but still require a routine to feel comfortable and secure. Between 7 and 12
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