Explain the Birth to 19 Seuwnce and Rate of Development

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There are four development areas’ that a child will go through from birth to 19yrs, these are emotional, physical, social and language development. As a child develops through the four age milestones so do they develop in these four areas’, but not every child will develop at the same rate, although each developmental period is just as important as the other as one is not able to develop or move on without the other areas advancement. At birth to three years the physical development will include the learning of how to work small upper body muscles to be able to do things like moving the head to a sound, rolling over and raising arms and then at development ages 3-7yrs physical development will include more complex movement like jumping, using scissors, threading beads, skipping and hopping, these tasks need use of the larger muscles and so the learning to move and use different parts of the body and its muscles has now moved from the upper body to the lower body and by ages 7-12yrs a child will enjoy more complex tasks like climbing and playing team game. Fine motor and gross motor skills will be being used and a Childs co-ordination will be at a greater level. When we look at social and emotional development these to are broken down under four age milestones, in birth to 3yrs a baby will be very dependent on its mother and may want to please adults and careers with acts to make you smile. At the age 0f 4-7yrs a child will begin to make friends but not be able to fully understand things like taking turns and basic rules, by 7-12yrs a child is more aware of being either a girl or a boy and will know what they do or do not feel and be able to say what they know to be right or wrong and why, but by age 12+ the child will become more conscious of themselves and emotions may change from wanting to be an adult but still behaving child like, during this period they will

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