Cyp Core 3.1

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CYP Core 3.1: Understand child and young person development 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate aspect of development from birth – 19 years. Children development is constant and can be measured in a number of different ways. Although children develop at different rates and in different ways, the sequence of development is generally the same as they need to have developed one skill before moving onto the other, for example a child must learn how to walk before they can run. Physical development is usually very rapid early on in the child’s development. Within weeks of being born a baby will start to smile and respond to sounds and environments around them. By 6 months as their muscles begin to develop they will reach for and hold objects which they will also put into their mouths. By one year old they are beginning to crawl or shuffle, pulling or pushing on furniture to stand and then cruise using furniture or adult for support. Sitting has progressed to unaided and they are rolling from their front to their back. They are beginning to be inquisitive with objects, passing them between hands, handling them in different ways and looking for things that are hiding. Their hand to eye co-ordination improves as items are passed from hand to hand. Their first teeth may start to appear and solid foods may start to be introduced. Between one and two years walking will begin and toys will start to be pulled/pushed along whilst walking. Objects will be picked up and banged together or built to make a small tower. A preference for one hand may start to appear as they begin to hold crayons etc when mark making on paper. They enjoy trying to feed themselves both with finger foods and with a spoon, and will drink from a cup with both hands. Waving goodbye becomes fun, they will begin to point to what they want and shake their head to mean ‘no’. Between the ages of 2 and 3
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