Coach Carter Essay

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Coach Carter’s Success Story Being successful is completing something you think that you can’t do, just like in the film, Coach Carter. Coach Carter taught the New Richmond Oilers and the viewer’s three main lessons, you can do whatever you set your mind to, school is more important than sports, and life is too short to do something that will bring you down. Success is huge in life. This film is about a man that got a job at Richmond High School as the new basketball coach. Coach Carter made the boys that were on the team sign a contract saying that they will attend all of their classes, sit in front of those classes, get at least a 2.3 GPA, and to wear something nice on the day of their games. With them signing that contract, they got a 16-0 record compared to the year before where they only won four games. One way that the Richmond Oilers succeeded was that Coach Carter told them that you can do anything that you set your mind to. The reason why this is a major lesson in the movie is because Coach Carter improved a team that wasn’t the best at basketball to being one of the best in their league. Coach Carter got that team to become amazing and really think about the choices that they made from then on. He made them work for what they did, and if they goofed off, he would make them do push-ups and suicides. “These are your progress reports from your teachers.” is what Coach Carter always used to say to the boys and that teaches people that school is more important than sports. Coach Carter had actually cancelled a game, and locked the gym that they practiced in so they couldn’t practice. That’s how much education meant to Coach Carter. Education is a major part of a person’s life. If people don’t get an education in high school, they won’t go to college, and they won’t be able to provide for their family when they need to. For education, push your limits;

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