Children In Dysfunctional Families

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I felt the warmness on my cheeks as they turned red from embarrassment as my second grade teacher asked me a simple question, “What do you want for Christmas?” I felt the eyes of my classmates burning on my body as I struggled to answer her. Speaking up in class was never an easy task for me. I kept to myself growing up because of the social discomfort I felt with my peers and teachers. It never occurred to me that my family dysfunction was the negative impact on my social skills until my older sister explained to me that there were more children who were under the same circumstances that we were in. Being a child in a dysfunctional family has made growing up more difficult because even though my sister pointed out to me that our parents cared for us deeply, she convinced me that they unintentionally neglected us and our emotional needs—according to a study she came across. She shared with me that this study was explained to her that over 7,000 parents in dysfunctional families neglect their children. I was overwhelmed at the fact that my siblings and I all fell under this statistic and our social life was paying the price. Growing up in a dysfunctional family causes children to struggle with their social life. My definition of a dysfunctional family is one when there is malfunction; when the parents don’t meet the basic emotional needs for their children. The lack of emotional guidance from parents help contribute to the lack of social activeness for these children. It was not until I interacted with others that I soon realized the social effects of my upbringing. Statistically, being a part of a dysfunctional family, I was to grow up socially awkward and at a disadvantage with my social life. The naked truth behind the statistics my sister would continuously inform me of began to reflect me more as I would grow older. It was as if my social standing was a house

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