Challenges and Opportunities of Ob

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There are many challenges and opportunities that create a significant demand for understanding organizational behavior. Organizations are no longer constrained by national borders and managers find themselves having to travel to different countries, work with people from different cultures, and cope with anti-capitalism backlash. An area of growing importance is the "exporting of America;" the shipping of U.S. jobs overseas to lower cost providers. Organizations also contend with within country diversity caused by shifting demographics and immigration. In addition to country diversity, diversity also includes race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural values, lifestyle preferences, and virtually any dimension on which employees differ. When diversity is not managed properly, there is a potential for higher turnover, misunderstandings, and interpersonal conflicts. Perhaps the most significant change in the U.S. labor force in the last 50 years has been the sharp increase in the number of female workers. In addition, the first half of the twentieth century will be notable for changes in the racial and ethnic composition of the workforce as well as an aging generation of Baby Boomers. Other trends include an increased emphasis on quality management or the attainment of customer satisfaction through the continuous improvement of all organizational processes. A customer responsive culture can be created through helping employees to improve their people skills. It is also essential to help employees to quickly respond to organizational change. Today's managers and employees must learn to cope with "temporariness" and manage the stresses inherent to working in networked organizations. Flexibility must also be shown to employees, who can better do their jobs if their work and family responsibilities are balanced. A growth area in OB research has been

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