Battle of Salamis

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Many battles and conflicts, which have occurred throughout the course of history, have been responsible for shaping the civilizations of the 21st century. One of the most significant events is that of the Battle of Salamis, a naval battle, which occurred in September 480 BCE, between the invading Persians and the united city-states of Greece. It has been documented and argued by historians, both ancient and modern, as the decisive victory, which led to the Greek city-states being able to defeat the might of the Persian Empire. This triumph shifted the course of the Persian Wars in favour of the Greeks, which fundamentally changed the course of history (Hegmann:n.d.). After the Battle of Thermopylae, the Greeks were at the mercy of the powerful Persian Empire. Athens was abandoned at the insistence of Themistocles, and the Greek defence was centred around the naval fleet at Salamis and the land army at the Isthmus of Corinth. Xerxes was confident that victory was imminent and he took the challenge to annihilate the Greek navy in the Straits of Salamis, which lie between the Greek mainland and Salamis, an island that lies in the Sarconic Gulf near Athens. Themistocles had developed a powerful Greek Navy and chose the Straits of Salamis to fight the Persians on water, as a geographical advantage was crucial in nullifying the numerical advantage of The Persians. With their superior tactical skills, the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians and take control of the waterways. The victory at Salamis turned the tide of the war, and gave the Greeks renewed confidence. Xerxes was devastated at this significant loss, and returned to Persia leaving his land army under the command of Mardonius. The Battle of Salamis was the most decisive conflict in the Second Persian War because the victory at Salamis paved the way to the ultimate defeat of the Persian army at the
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