Why Did Sparta Achieved The Loss Of Sparta?

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How could the Spartans have avoided the loss of their leading position in Greece? Sparta emerged as a political force around the 10th century BC, after the invading Dorians conquered the surrounding, non-Dorian population. Owing to its military strength and dominance, Sparta was recognized as the leader of the combined Greek during the bloody Greco-Persian wars. The social system of Sparta was unique in Ancient Greece, with strong focus placed on military excellence. This military strength helped Sparta defeat Athens and emerge victorious from the Peloponnesian War between 431-404 BC. However, this victory was at great cost. The subsequent defeat by Thebes in 371 BC Battle of Leuctra ended Sparta’s prominent role in Ancient Greece. Despite the loss of control, Sparta managed to maintain political independence until the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC. This led to a long period of decline for the once powerful Sparta. The spectacular fall from grace from Sparta has been the topic of much debate among Ancient historians, who question how the once supposedly “invincible super-power” declined to a virtually irrelevant town in under thirty years.…show more content…
In his commentary of Xenophon’s ‘Hellenica’, George Carkwell argues that Sparta originally lost her power from 394 BC, after the naval victory of the Persian and Greek fleet. The combined Persian and Greek fleet was under the command of the Athenian Conon and Pharnabazus. They defeated the Spartan navy led by Pisander. Following this significant defeat, Spartan ‘harmosts’ were expelled through the Aegean and this led to the Lacedaemonian maritime empire being virtually

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