Attendance Should Not Be Compalsory

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A matter that has been recently debated among my peers in Atılım University is the issue of an attendance policy that requires all students to attend classes. I personally think that there are advantages that come with this policy. However, I believe that it would have a more negative effect on the students. I also think that many students can still do fine without with out being forced to attend class regularly and professors should find different means to encourage students to come to class. Many people consider University years to be the golden years of their lives. A college student grows from an adolescent to a mature adult during these years. Students grow by making all their own decisions whether good or bad. One of the many decisions a student makes is the choice of whether to go to class or not. I do not think universities should make the decision for the student. Every student has a unique method of studying and revising for tests and exams. In this day and age, technology has improved our lives in ways nobody could have imagined, an example of this is that many professors post their notes online for all their students to see. Many students need only their textbooks to take an exam, so for most classes a student can do just fine without attending class regularly. Another thing that I have noticed is that students might still do poorly even if they do attend class, so just because there is an attendance policy, it does not mean that it would increase a student’s learning potential. On the contrary, if everybody were forced to attend class, there would be many who would not be interested and would end up sleeping in the back or talking to each other. This would end up affecting the potential of their peers. Instead of making it compulsory to attend class, I think that
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