028 Develop Positive Relationshiops with Children, Young People and Others Involved in Their Care

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028 Develop positive relationshiops with children, young people and others involved in their care Outcome 1 1. Positive relationships with children are extreamly important because it builds their trust in people and their self confidence. Positive relationships with children are built and maintained by creating a welcoming atmoaphare, making sure that communication with the child is effective (the preactitioner should spend time getting to know the child, her preferences in play, food etc. and what her learning needs are), being consistent and fair, showing respect and coustesy, looking at the holistic child-not the different parts, good role modeling, encouraging friendships and monitoring impact of own behavior on others. 2. When a child talks to a practitioner the practitioner has to acknowledge her speech and if he can’t respond immedietly, he has to explain or signal to her and give her his attention as soon as possible; then the practitioner should show her that he understood what she said by recasting the childs speech and ask aproppriate questions. A child has to feel and knows that she will always be welcome and listened to, conflicts will be delt with fairely and promises, commitments and confidentiality will be kept as appropriate. 3. Outcome 2 1. Positive relationships with people involved with the care of children is very important because it effects the child’s sense of security in school. This includes the staff between themselves, staff with managers/supervisors/head teacher etc., staff with visitors/inspectors and most important staff with the parents/carers. If the relationship of the staff one to another would include internal politics and power struggles, the children in the setting would feel it and feel insucure. The staff has to work together as a team and support each other. E.g. when a child builds up a bond with a member of staff
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