0-19 Physical Development

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Table 1: Physical development Age Range Description of the stage An example of how this impacts on other aspects of development 0 – 3 Months From Birth babies are born with many reflexes for example the sucking reflex which allows them to feed, the grasping reflex, babies can grasp any object placed in their hand, this is a fine motor skill , babies can also make sounds i.e. cooing and gurgling noises, they can also turn their heads whilst lying on their back and will do so in response to light and sound Turning their head to a sound is also a Personal, social and emotional development skill as most babies will turn their head in response to their Mothers voice 3 – 6 Months At this stage babies can now roll over from their front to…show more content…
no, hug, they will also imitate sounds like a cough or noises like brrrr’ and will enjoy songs and nursery rhymes that have actions. Babies will have favourite toys by now and will choose between toys which a personal, emotional and social skill is as is showing enjoyment to a certain nursery rhyme or song. 9 – 12 Months By now most babies will be able to hold a cup and even be able to feed themselves with a spoon, they may be able to rise to a standing position without any help and even walk a few steps, they may throw toys using their whole arm and be able to point and look to where others point and be able to clap their hands along with others or to show they are happy. Clapping hands and pointing implies some understanding of how others see and think which an intellectual skill…show more content…
16 – 19 Years By this age most children are coming to the end of their physical development and are now adults as far as their bodies are concerned ,most girls are at their full height but boys however can continue to grow until their early 20s,they will complete the process of physical maturation and will complete the maturation of sexual characteristics as well as being fully aware of the opposite sex All other aspects of development have not yet come to an end as for intellectual development you will continue to learn for the rest of your life and as for personal, emotional and social development, some may still alternate between behaving like a child and behaving like an adult, they can begin to question their parents beliefs and attitudes to life as they now have many ideas of their own and have a more adult relationship with their
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