What Impacted Me in My Childhood

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What impacted me in my childhood By: Carolynn Noel English 105 Professor Streeter My father’s culture impacted and influenced me while I was a child and it greatly contributed to the person I am today. My father, a professor, instilled in me and my four sisters the importance of an education. Watching him take pride in not only teaching us, but his students, as well, left me with the desire to help others. My father is of Haitian decent. Regardless of what they say about Haitians and Haiti on television; the Haitian culture is puts a great emphasis on education. At the age of three, I knew my ABC’s and how to count to great numbers. I was also learning about the multiple-time tables. As crazy as it sounds, it is the truth and is a reflection of the man that helped raise me. My father used to tell me and my sisters stories about how he used to teach kids for free in Haiti because those children’s parents were unable to afford to send them to school. As I grew older and watched the years go by, I wanted to go back to college and finish so I can earn my degree, but there was always some complication that would arise and I would have to put college on the back-burner. A year ago, I decided to ignore the numerous obstacles that a single-working mother faces and returned to school. I used to believe that my father had lost his mind when he would want me and my sisters to read books and practice math problems during our summer vacation instead of spending the entire summer by the swimming pool. However, as I get older, the more I seem to be turning into my crazed-father that I used to complain about with my sisters. I see this very issue with my own son. He is eight years old and is currently in the second-grade. His current school offers him a great education, however, I am currently debating if I should move him

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