What Changes Occurred During The Industrial Revolution

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In countries such as France, Latin America, the United States, and others, revolutions occurred and helped take control of political situations. In England, however, during the 1700’s, a different type of revolution took place. Triggered by the Agricultural revolution, this time period throughout the middle 1700’s is now known as the Industrial Revolution. This was a time where more techniques and inventions were created to increase efficiency in many areas of living. Size and number of farming land increased tremendously. New farming techniques were used to increase food production. Changes in textile machinery, large population of workers, and changes in agriculture contribute to why the revolution began in England. Previous to the inventions to improve fabric work, production was extremely slow and tedious. This cloth, material, yarn goods, etc. is known as textile. There were many changes in textile machinery during the Industrial revolution in order to increase textile production. As mentioned in document 6, the spinning jenny, invented by James Hargreaves, spun 8-10 threads at a time and was made to use at home, in addition to the water frame, invented by Richard Arkwright, which was a large spinning…show more content…
Its economy skyrocketed from productions and advances in food and textiles. Changes in textile machinery, large population of workers, and changes in agriculture contribute to why the revolution began in England. The revolution provided plentiful jobs, increased the wealth of the nation, produced more goods to satisfy a growing population, and helped raise the standard of living. Changes in textile machinery, large population of workers, and changes in agriculture contribute to why the revolution began in England. The famous phrase that sums up the Industrial Revolution in England is: “Land, Labor,
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