Values, Discrimination and Difference

2003 Words9 Pages
( Introduction This report introduces values, discrimination and difference and explains what they mean and what part they play in today’s society. The report also looks at the important role of the social worker in facilitating fulfillment in a diverse and ever changing world. How values are learnt through socialisation Primary Socialisation begins at birth when we form a bond with our parents and other immediate caregivers. They imprint on us from a very early age their values and beliefs. Through interacting with them, watching and listening to them from the beginning we are taught language and communication skills. We learn from those closest to us what is expected of us in our families, communities and society. We learn how to interact with others and become aware of the effects our behavior can have on other people. Secondary socialization begins, as we grow older. We start to come in to contact with other Agencies such as school, Work and the Media. Through living, working alongside and interacting with a collection of people, we form personal and cultural values that are used to interpret social goals such as freedom, justice and education. Values are the things we believe to be right and true. They are created from the beliefs and ideas we have, based on what we believe is expected from us personally, within the community and society. Values are also based on what we expect in return. These values are learnt through socialisation and they play a part in forming our identity. Abraham Maslow (Rose & Philpot, 2005, p. 21) believed in the hierarchy of needs. Five levels of basic needs must be met in order to achieve fulfillment (see appendix 1). Professor Bronfenbrenner (Nash, Munford, & O'Donoghue, 2005, p. 37)suggests that our environment plays a big part in society and how we behave. For example a supportive parent providing a
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