Unit 333 Safeguarding Children and Young People

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Unit 331 understand child and young person development. 1.1 Sequence and rate of development is all dependant on the individual child/young person, their physical, communication, intellectual and social development is crucial to understand in order to help them. 0 to 3 years old babies are new to this atmosphere they use small muscle movements such as reflexes, sucking, smiling and raising their hands. By 5 months they begin to roll over and shuffle, at 8 months they pull and push on toys/furniture/anything and everything to stand and then glide using the same method of transport. At this stage they are now becoming more curious and want to play with toys, teeth are beginning to sprout and they are now eating solids. At the age of 1 the child will begin walking and playing with favourite toys. Their mental development takes a huge leap and they start to build, arrange cars in a row even in colour sequence. The child will be able to use a beaker and eat food (finger food). They will be saying a couple of clear words – ma, papa, dada and my personal favourite ‘no’. Between the ages of 2 and 3 the child will enjoy colouring, learning names of objects, forming sentences, developing a personality, throwing tantrums, play with water sing nursery rhymes, run, put together jigsaw puzzles, put their shoes on and even dress themselves. 3 to 7 year olds will start to understand the difference between right and wrong, between 3 and 4 they develop motor skills. They can play games; start making friends in nursery and follow instructions. They attempt to write, recognise the alphabet and numbers and build on their social skills. From 5 to 7 years of age the children will form sentence writing, complete work in
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