Communication And Intellectual Development From Birth-19

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Physical Development | Communication and intellectual development | Social, Emotional and behavioural development | A child’s physical development from birth to 3 months The moment a baby is born the first couple of months alone is dedicate to just sleeping and eating this is to help the continuous progression of the baby’s overall development. The nurturing of a baby in these early stages is vital; this is because the baby is at its most vulnerable and need that constant support and 24 hour care. The very first progression in a babies physical development is sucking on bottles or breasts these are instant survival skills as the baby knows this is how to seek their food. Also the likes of sucking on dummy’s for comfort. Holding…show more content…
They are able to get things they want for themselves for example reaching for their blanket or toy without any support. They become more curious about things around them and start to investigate by placing things inside their mouths; however this could also be due to teething. Babies begin to play with their hands/fingers, by clasping them together and unclasping them and also raising their hands as a symbol to people. | A child’s communication and intellectual development from 3 to 6 months Sounds and noises will become that little bit more familiar and the baby will try and mimic what it is they can hear for example the sounds animals make. This alone will continue to progress. They become even more aware of their own voice and start planning out their own ideas of language and what means what. These noises and blabbering starts to become a lot clearer as time goes on. A baby is now able to respond fully to their name when it is shouted. | A child’s social, emotional and behavioural development from 3 to 6 moths Babies start experimenting with their facial expressions and smiles become a lot more frequent. Babies are able to show when they are happy, either by letting out laughter and a mall scream or kicking their arms and legs to demonstrate their excitement. This can be shown through the baby been played with, communicated with or tickling. Small tantrums will begin to arise when the child is unable to do something it so badly wants to and frustration takes over, or when they aren’t allowed to do something and can’t get their own way. Shows what they like, for example what
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