Unit 1 Health and Social Care Level 2

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Unit 1: Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings. Learning Outcome 1- Understand why Communication is important in the work Setting. 1.1- Different reasons why people communicate is: * To share ideas and Information. * To express what they may need or require. * To share/relay how they are feeling. * To establish relationships and socialize. * To ask Questions/gain feedback. * To talk about experiences/ share opinions * To give encouragement/praise. 1.2- Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work. * It helps to build effective relationships between colleagues, the service users and ourselves. This then gives us a better understanding of all of their needs as individuals, making sure their needs and preferences are being met. By building trust, preventing misunderstandings and developing our skills and knowledge we can discuss options and choices available and allow them to make informed choices regarding their care. 1.3- Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction when communicating with them. * Sometimes in Face-to-Face conversations the person listening may not always verbally indicate if they understand/agree simply by their words, tone or silence. Watching out for and using body language, facial expressions, gestures as a non-verbal way of communicating together with eye contact can help to understand their emotional state/barriers with communication, which can then help us to find a more reliable way of communicating with a person to ensure their needs and preferences are being met. Learning Outcome 2- Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals. 2.1- Find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. * It is
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