Health and Social Care

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Unit 201 – Principles of communication in adult social care settings Identify different reasons why people communicate. To form relationships with others – Give guidance, encouragement, support, build and gain trust and respect. To share information and knowledge – Share past and present experiences, follow or provide instructions. Express needs and opinions – If suffering any pain or discomfort, share feelings and emotions. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings. Communication is a vital factor when working in adult care, as it allows the needs and wishes of service users to be fully understood by staff members to ensure they have a fulfilled life. It also ensures low risk of any misunderstandings between staff members when discussing important matters so that everyone is in understanding. Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. It is important to see a person’s reaction when communicating, as it can give you evidence of their understanding. Seeing a person’s body language or facial expressions can give you an idea of their feelings and emotions about any situation or event that is occurring. Having knowledge of these skills is good because it can show you if someone is maybe feeling anxious or concerned about something, which you can then try and change. Explain why it is important to find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. It is important to know a person’s individual needs when relating to communication, because it allows yourself to create or use various methods in order to support individuals with communication difficulties. For example, a person with Dementia may struggle with communication therefore speaking clearly and slowly may assist in their
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