Support Individuals with Specific Communication Needs

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Denise Meloche 4222-324 Support Individuals with Specific communication needs 1. Understand specific communication needs and factors affecting them. 1.1 It is important to meet the individual’s communication needs so; • they can be informed and therefore make informed choices • express their feelings and views • be alerted to danger • interact socially • be involved with everyday activities • understand what is going on around them • learn 1.2 My role and practice can impact on communication with an individual with specific communication needs by giving them the opportunities for all of the above. If I fail to communicate according to their need, they may become more isolated and withdrawn. I endeavour to find ways to support communication using variety of methods. I also share these methods with other staff and people around the individual to maximise their communication. 1.3 Features of the environment that may help or hinder communication are; • volume it is important to ensure the level of voice is correct for the individual and that background noise does not impair the hearing or raise stress levels. • time allowing enough time to communicate is important. If the individual feels rushed, they may become agitated or restricted and not therefore understand clearly. They may ‘give up’ if they feel under pressure. • Eye contact and visibility, body language. Much of communication is visible. If a person can have eye contact with you and pick up o body language and other visual cues it will help their understanding and communication. A person who is hearing impaired benefits from being able to lip read also. So it is important to be aware of your body language, lighting, keep face visible etc. • For

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