Understanding Employment Responsiblities and and Rights in Health Social Care or Childrens and Young Peoples Settings

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unit 1; unit code 1.1 The different reasons for why people communicate are to share information or views on different subjects and to ask questions. To build relationships, also be able to express concerns or feelings to that person or just to socialise with them. 1.2 Communicating in the work setting enables people to build trust with that person. This helps to get an understanding of different people’s requirements. Communication is there to prevent misunderstanding or conflict. 2.2 There are many factors to consider when promoting effective communication. You will have to decide whether it would be best to speak to someone one-to-one. Will you be formal or informal? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3.1 People from different backgrounds may use or understand other communication methods. This could be using a different language, than an interpreter could be used. Also a difference in age or gender can determine a different communication method. If this is the case then use of body language, eye contact and facial expressions can assist with communication. 3.2 There are some barriers that affect communication. The environment could become a barrier where there is too much noise, or there could be poor lighting. Health problems also pose as a barrier if somebody has a medical condition or learning disability. In addition to that is someone has been under the influence of alcohol or drugs this could affect communication. Furthermore anxiety, attitudes, aggression or lack of confidence can all become a barrier in communication. 3.5 There are many different services to

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