Understanding CYP Development

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Understand CYP development - unit 331 1.1 - Overall expected sequence and rate of developement for children aged 0-19 yrs 0 - 3 months Starts to recognise familiar faces and will respond to parent/carer's voice and music. Observes parent/carer's face (whilst feeding), also bright colours and bold images are very noticeable. Can see best at approx. 25cm away from their own face. Cries as a way of communicating, when hungry, tired, needs a nappy change or when wants comfort, or even when regular routine is changed. Will grab on to items, parent/carer’s finger/hair/face and also attempt to put these items in their mouth. Kicks legs and starts to wave arms around, also attempts to lift head and turn head towards movement and sound. Learns…show more content…
3 - 5 years At this age children like a lot of praise. They will watch what others do and copy them and will now enjoy playing with other children, although they may still get angry if others disrupt what they are doing. Still fairly egocentric. Starts to show signs of understanding other people’s feelings and needs, and will be kind towards others who appear to be upset. Because of this sharing becomes more accepting even though they may argue at times, they will soon forget about it. Will still also get upset themselves for no apparent reason, usually when stressed, frustrated or just from being tired. Attention span increases. They are now able to listen and follow instructions, say names of colours/shapes/animals, talk about ideas and ask questions. Has strong opinions of what they do/don't like. At the end of a day they might be able to recall a sequence of events of what they have been doing. Now confident around well-known people and will talk to them frequently. By 5 a child knows between 900 and 1500 words. Learning through play they now enjoy more difficult activities as fine motor skills improve, drawing stick people and basic house…show more content…
At some point they learn to ride a bike without stabilisers, learn to swim (usually with lessons) and learn to hit a ball using a bat or racket. Running, jumping, skipping, climbing, balancing and other gross motor skills have improved and are now capable of getting dressed/undressed, including clothing/foot wear with zips, buttons and laces. Will start to lose baby teeth now and grow taller and thinner. 12 - 19 years Children will now look more towards what their friends think of them and their situations, and adult approval will gradually seem to no longer matter. May now be influenced by T.V people, singers and models in magazines. Authority of parents and teachers will probably be challenged as the need to be an independent individual increases. The ability to see other peoples point of view gets better as well as the understanding of fairness and justice. Emotional changes (due to puberty) lead them to become more sensitive of their own feelings and towards others, although, they will offer strong opinions and express their beliefs which may lead to disagreements or even arguments, finding it more difficult to forgive and forget, possibly lead to grudges being
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