Trainee Practitioners

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EYMP 1 Task 2 3.1 As a trainee practitioner i need to show the knowledge and understanding of how partnership with parents is important to the success of each individual child in the setting. Promoting an effective bond between the parents and professionals, this provides a source of strength throughout their time in the setting. Consequently practitioners should be very aware that there leading role is very different in the Childs life, compared to their own parents, carers etc. Practitioners roll is to be able to show a more compassionate bond with the child. Leading on Carolyn Meggitt also believed that “Practitioners need to develop constant, warm and affectionate relationships with children, especially babies, but should not seek to…show more content…
This is so that these barriers do not put a strain on the partnership and relationship parents and practitioners have. Barriers can lead to the parents becoming more emotional such as anger or show distress about it. Leading onto more prejudice attitudes and having different expectations on rules. It can all spiral out of control if not stopped, which not the help the child would reach their full potential as the child is the main focus, as their wellbeing is one of the most crucial part (paramount) while in the setting. Barriers come in many forms, such as when key persons are doing observations and planning. The parents may lack in confidence to give any suggestions or feel that their contribution isn’t worth making at all; they may also not want to get involved in this. However practitioner should let the parents of the child take charge on the suggestion making, instead of the practitioners taking charge. This allows the parents to feel valued and respect being given such an important role, building the parents confidence as their suggestions have be taken into…show more content…
Also parents had to give a description of the capability of that child and if they did know then the professionals were unable to help. In my opinion this is a much better way of working together as all families can be helped in the best way. The “Department of Education” also outlines that the “Multi-agency working provides benefits for children, young people and families because they receive tailor-made support in the most efficient way”. Department of education (Accessed 20.12.12) they go one to say about the ways in which this co-operation is best fitted in this work ethic. One key example is early intervention; they are able to intervene with a situation almost immediately depending if the evidence gathered and shared to other professionals shows the Childs safety is being compromised. Helping to promote the safeguarding legislation and “Every Child Matters”- Being safe. This way of working also provides a universal of services to support families who may be struggling with certain things e.g financial issues. Multi agencies are a formal arrangement. Some other benefits of this co-operation between different professionals help to maintain the focus on the child, while in the educational system. It
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