Unit 1: An Introduction To Working With Children

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Unit 1 - AN INTRODUCTION TO WORKING WITH CHILDREN E1 - There are three types of setting which provide care and education for children within local areas; these are statutory settings, voluntary settings and private settings. Statutory settings are paid for by the government or local authorities and must be available to all children. Voluntary settings are provides be organisations such as charities are only receive funding from donations. Private settings make profits from parents paying to send their children. E2 - High Green Primary School is an example of a statutory setting in my area which provides a supportive environment for children. “Education is a good example of a statutory service.” (Tassoni P, 2007, p332). The education provided…show more content…
Every Child Matters (2004) is from the children Act (2006) and is based around five expectations. “The programs goal is that every child has the support they need to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and create economic wellbeing” (Tassoni P, 2007, p16). These support children by helping to provide a safe and healthy environment for them to grow up in and by insuring that all children are treat equally as adults follow the same guidelines for each child. This relates to my setting because we have two children who can only leave with their mothers and it also allows our SEN children to feel involved in all activities. ECM is important as it protects children from discrimination and harm. The CASHE Statement of Values insures that all CASHE students act in a responsible manner towards the children and parents and insures that the child is always put first. The statement supports children as it has a list of criteria that all CASHE students must follow in order to maintain confidentiality and protect children in their care. This relates to my placement as is provides my supervisors with guidelines that they can make sure I follow. The statement is important because it protects children form mistreatment from CASHE students. Maslow’s hierarchy of individual needs prepare children for later in life by developing their personal, social and emotional skills. This supports children by allowing them to carry their skills through life enabling them to be successful in school and at work. This is important as is helps children to live as they want
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