1.1 Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children and adults in order to gather information and pass it on effectively and accurately. It is important to establish positive communication to gain trust. Children who see adults communicating with each other and other children in a positive manner are more likely to learn positive and effective communication skills themselves. For example, it is important to check what we are saying or how we are acting and in times of stress or excitement, and display conversations, mannerisms, body language and behaviour that we expect from the children. Effective communication with parents ensures that they are confident in the school and their child’s learning, which in turn is passed on to the child.
Making sure you are listening to the children when they are talking, this will show them that you are interested and value their opinion. Show that you are approachable, this will put children at ease, children of all ages and abilities and culture should feel secure and valued. When children see how adults behave they will copy this behaviour and take this into adulthood so it is important that they have good role models. 1.2• describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s Stage of development. When dealing with children you should ensure that when communicating with them you take into account their age, stage of development.
Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults as you need to communicate in a manner that is clear and accurate. When communicating with children and young people you need to communicate so it is appropriate to their ages, needs and abilities. This involves using words and phrases that children and young people will understand, you need to be actively listening, reespond positively to children's views and feelings, and clarifying and confirming points to reinforce children's and young people's knowledge and understanding. Effective communication with children and young people requires good inter-personal skills such as: make time to listen to pupils, concentrate on what pupils are saying, Facing the pupil, leaning slightly towards them, smiling, nodding, open - handed gestures not clenched fists, Every person needs to have their say while others listen, Don't shout, talking over pther people. Respond positively to what is said.
Effective communication is required to form positive relationships in children and young people in different settings such as in a formal, informal or professional aspect. Each of these requires you to consider how you approach others and how you respond to them. By approaching and responding in a positive way to children and young people will help them to feel more comfortable in forming these relationships. It is also important for us to model the skills required to enter into positive relationships. In forming these relationships we must remember the importance of building trust, being understood and being able to express ourselves to others in imparting with the relevant information.
Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults. Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. Effective communication is important in order to build positive relationships , we should always check how we approach and respond to other people as we are more likely to have better relationships if we communicate well with one another. Parents and other adults that come into school are more likely to give better support if communication is strong and effective in turn this benefits the children we work with. It is also important for the children that we model effective communication skills, this means checking what we are saying in moments of stress or excitement, we ask the children to behave in a certain way when communicating and sometimes forget that ourselves if we do this they will struggle to understand the boundaries of what is acceptable.
One of the most important ways to build a relationship is communications whether it is smiling and cooing to a new born baby or having a discussion with a young adult effective communication is a must. There are also other principles of building a relationship being consistent whether this is keeping rules and behaviour boundaries or making sure you do not have mood swings this helps the children and young adults know where they are and where their boundaries are. Being fair when you are sorting out conflicts and disagreements by listening to what they say and not jumping
Communication and professional relationships with children young people and adults. 1.1 Communication is the most important part of building positive relationships with anyone, this helps develop better relationships skills these skill include clear expression, good listening skills and being able to adapt to different situations and scenarios we need to make the person feel at ease comfortable and confidence to build a trusting relationship with each other. The wonderful thing about children and young people is that they are all different. this means that we need to adapt the way in which we approach and communicate with them according to their age/stage of development, needs and personality. 1.2 There are various factors which contribute to the development of positive relationships; these principles of relationship building can be divided into categories, the key ones being the need for effective and clear communication with any human being.
1.2 Relationship building is important when working with children and young people. The way this is done is by being a positive role model. The young person must feel comfortable when I am helping/supporting the young person with work. When working with children I have to make sure that when working with then that I use easy to understand words. Towards children I must show a caring approach and listen to them when they are asking me question and make eye contact so they know that I am listening to them.
When positive relationships are formed, it is easier for colleagues and parents to give and receive trust, information, support, help, advice and encouragement. This makes it more likely that any problems between adults will be positively approached and resolved. It’s also more likely that skills and knowledge will be shared. As a Foster Carer communication is an extremely important part of the role, whether it is with the children, partner, birth family, other Foster Carer’s, Social Workers, School Staff and other professionals and agencies. Good communication skills allow you to establish and maintain relationships with all of the aforementioned people and this is an essential part of Foster Caring.
Children and young people should feel comfortable to express themselves freely and to know that adults are responding positively to these expressions. Teachers and supporting staff have to know the child and her family to be able to build a trusting relationship and to break communication barriers, if there is any. It is vital to be able to exchange information that will enable people involved to understand issues that might arise in a working environment. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work Give at least one example with staff,parents,children and other professionals. One has to have effective communication skills in order to be able to gain the trust and respect in working environment.