Bowlby's Attachment Theory Analysis

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I chose to discuss Bowlby’s Attachment Theory in this essay on Psychodynamic Ideas; I liked his attempt to bring biology into the psychoanalytic world, such as using the idea that any organism is programmed to be highly adaptive to its environment which is similar to the children’s ability to create attachments based on relationships with their caregivers. I found the ideas in this theory as good tools to work with the inner and external worlds of the person, and the vast spectrum in between, unlike Melanie Klein who although I found her insights very useful, she scarcely acknowledged the effect of the environment on children. My attachments towards my parents and with society in general have always baffled me, I believed for a long time when…show more content…
When I started my placements I was daunted by the prospect of having to contain clients with either avoidant, ambivalent or disorganised affects. Despite that and with time, I found it possible through practice and theory to improve my awareness of my process. Unfortunately the short term model does barely enable scratching the surface in this respect, I am intrigued with clients who say that they had a good childhood but they would be unable to articulate what that meant to them. Some clients are more psychologically minded than others, and six or twelve sessions is relatively a short time to enable this exploration after building a good working relationship. For example it might be helpful to be a nurturing parent, who is responsive and reliable, and work to create the space for a cooperative relationship. I would be accessible for them in terms of giving feedback, and even appropriate affect and disclosure. I try to be sensitive to their feelings and, if appropriate, to not hide my fallibility. I mirror to them feeling positive about being with them. “A primary task in psychotherapy and counselling is the creation of a secure base in the reliability and consistency of the therapeutic relationship. Only when the client or patient feels some confidence in the therapist’s responsiveness and empathy will she feel able to make excursions into…show more content…
It does explain the great difficulties people can encounter with morning despite they had a secure attachment with the person they lost. This does make sense when we understand the meaning of a secure base, even though people with secure attachments can naturally take for granted the secure base provided by their parents when it is available, however when they lose it they would experience a difficult period of adjustment to deal with the vacuum created and then moving on. This process can be more fraught for people with insecure attachments and they might not reach the last stage of reorganisation if they are not understood and aided by people around
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