The Psychological Effects of Homicide in Surviving Family Members

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The Psychological Effects of Homicide in Surviving Family Members By Leslie “Dessy” Guzman Upper Iowa University Abstract In every crime a series of events take place that involve an undetermined number of people. The fundamental support of a police department, family members, and members of the community all play a vital role in assisting crime victims or, in the case of a homicide, family members of crime victims in the aftermath of the crisis event. The road to recovery for those affected after experiencing the psychological effects of the crime is more easily and effectively traveled with the right people involved. The Psychological Effects of Homicide on Surviving Family Members Introduction Ever since the beginning of time people have found a way to shock one another into the consciousness of the existence of crime. The sense of security and calmness that most seek in life is within themselves manifested either at home, their place of work or even favorite places to be with the people loved by them. However, that sense of security, which gives way to a certain level of passivity, creates the window of opportunity necessary for criminal activity to occur. Maybe the world would be a better place if crime in general did not occur at all and people just learned to live their lives without hurting others. Somehow, the only time that society sends a true message to the world is through unnecessary violence, regardless of how mild or strong the violence may be, that essentially turns fear into terror. Although crime in general has a way of making people be more aware, crimes involving homicides create several emotional and psychological effects that change people’s lives forever. Regardless of the nature of the crime of which a person has been a victim, the most significant

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