Victim In The Criminal Justice System

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Over the past twenty years, victims and their supporters have persistently pushed for improved victim involvement in the criminal justice system. Gradually, the United States has begun to take action on this issue. Even though remarkable steps have been made with the implementation of victim legislation and will carry on in the victims' rights field, not all states and officials have a similar opinion with the substance of victim rights legislation. Supporters have worked diligently for this mission and must continue their hard work to guarantee that all crime victims are granted rights that justly go to these victims and privileges that are no fewer than those given to wrongdoers. These rights have been given to victims through legislation…show more content…
No one expects to be wronged, and certainly no one would pick to voluntarily enter our complicated criminal justice system. Nevertheless, more and more Americans recognize that they or someone they know will be affected by crime. Our citizens mandate that they be given basic rights in our criminal justice system and demand accountability from the justice system and policy makers throughout the United States. This accountability contains the right to be well-versed, present, and most important, to be heard. To be successfully heard however, the criminal justice system must offer victims with a forum in which participants will pay attention. This can be easily accomplished through the effective and steady procedure of victim impact statements. The Victim Impact Statement for gives the victim or anyone else affected by the crime it gives the opportunity to express, in writing, the impact of this crimes. This may consist of economic losses, the extent of any bodily or emotional injuries, and any major life changes as a outcome of the crime. (Victim Impact Statement Commonwealth of Virginia). Another way victim of crime can seek their losses is through an order for restitution, which is through financial payment or by pursuing a civil law suit. However, many victims do not have the finances to file civil suits. Therefore, any compensation is usually received through the crime victim compensation funds. Federal laws order restitution for violent offenses and certain other crimes. Additionally the victim rights movement includes notifies the victim of parole decisions, if the offender is released, allows the victim to speak at their parole hearings and other things. Offender has rights as well for instance right to competent legal counsel, present evidence, and presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of
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